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About Us.

White Pom Poms
education charity trust

, we believe in creating a brighter future by focusing on two important elements - children's education and women's empowerment. Through strategic partnerships with schools and organizations, we offer innovative educational initiatives to help children achieve their full potential. We also provide women with access to resources and support they need to overcome barriers and reach their goals. Our vision is to create a world where all children have the opportunity to succeed and women are empowered to lead.

White Pom Poms
White Pom Poms

What We Do.

Global Relief Trust support foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of women and children around the world. We provide educational opportunities to children and empower women in their personal and professional lives. We believe that education and empowerment are key components to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a more equitable world. Join our community of supporters and help us create meaningful change for the next generation.

White Pom Poms

Our Mission.

At Global Relief Trust our mission is to empower and uplift women and children from all walks of life. We believe in creating a world where every woman and child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of the circumstances they were born into. We strive to provide support and resources to those in need, and promote gender equality and the rights of children everywhere.

White Pom Poms

Our Vision.

At Global Relief Trsut, we believe in building a strong foundation for a better tomorrow. Our vision is to empower women and children in need by providing them with the necessary resources and tools to thrive in every aspect of their lives. We believe that every woman and child deserves to live a life free from abuse, neglect, and poverty, and we are dedicated to making that a reality for all in need.

White Pom Poms

Let's Connect and Make a Difference

Your support is crucial to our mission of helping women and children in need. If you would like to make a donation or have any questions about our foundation, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Give Hope and Supportto Those in Need !

Meet the Team

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